Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mac Venomous Villians, Wonder Woman, Peacocky Swatches & Collective Haul

I've been acquiring a few Mac items here & there for the past few month. Some are from the permanent collection, and some is from the limited collection. I realize i haven't had the chance to play with them very much, since they are still in their packaging, but i wanted to swatch them for ya today.

First, let's start with the Wonder Woman Collection I grabbed one item from this collection, and it is the Mighty Aphrodite. The combination is pretty. The larger half of the blush is described to be light pink coral. It reminds me somewhat of Nars Deep Throat. So if you love Nars Deep throat, then i would recommend this blush. Might Aphrodite is just a tad bit more pink then Deep Throat. The smaller half of the blush is just a more reddish coral colour.

Here how the packaging looks like. I'm not really in love with it, but i guess it's nice to have changes.

I love the colours, but i'm not crazy about the formula. I'm actually disappointed in the pigmentation. It's very sheer. The larger half of the blush (light pink coral colour) is more pigmented then the smaller half of the blush (reddish coral). Definitely need to layer this on if you want it to be visible.

Swatches: It was much easier getting it onto my fingers then onto my hand.


second item

that i've acquired was from the Mac Venomous Villains Collection. I picked up this beauty powder, because i never tried any from Mac. The one I got is Blair Rose and this is like a pinky plum colour.

swatches: sorry, my flash kind of made it more warm tone colour then it should of.
The pigmentation is sheer but pigmented and I don't know if that's normal for beauty powder? I wear it sort of like a blush, because i think the colour is very beautiful. Don't be afraid of how it appears in the packaging. I wear this alone, when my face looks washed out. It gives just the right amount of colour to the face.


third item

is from Mac Peacocky Collection & i only happen to pick up one of their mega metal eyeshadow called Unflappable. I don't know how to describe this, so this is what temptalia says " it's a plummy-gray-taupe with soft metallic shimmer-sheen". I think this colour looks incredible, and i have nothing like this. I wish i had picked up more eyeshadows from this collection.

The eyeshadow is very pigmented, and i think it would look beautiful with a smokey eye look.

Now onto the permanent items...

I decided to try the Mac Select Sheer/Loose Powder. I was going through a period where i broke out a lot, and i really needed my foundation to cover my troubled area. I don't have any face powder product, besides my translucent powder from MUFE. The reason i was looking for another powder product was because, I wanted something that offered a bit of coverage while setting my foundation at the same time. Hence why i tried this.

What i discovered was - DON't BOTHER WITH POWDER, when your face is dry/flaky and breaking out. Using powder just EMPHASIS that, and it looks terrible. Sadly, i can't return this, but i figure it would come into use when i have better skin day. Perhaps i'll give this a try in the summer.

But overall, the powder on it's own has light coverage, it's very soft, and i do like it. I imagine it would be wonderful if you don't have dry skin issues.

Another product i got from the permanent line is a blush. It's called Pinch O' Peach and it's a sheertone blush. I'm absolutely in love with the sheertone formula! It's feels very velvety and creamy when i swatch it. The colour payoff is incredible, and i love the fact that this shade is not shimmery. Sometimes i just want a MATTE coloured blush. They always look great when i'm trying to do a natural look. I'm definitely going to look out for more Sheertone formula blush from Mac from now on.

btw i was told by the SA that MAC is bring out new blushes? I don't remember if she said it was the cream formula ones, or the powder one, but they are up to something she said. Anyone else knows anything about this ?


LASTLY, i can not go to Mac and not pick up any of their lipsticks! Welcome the two that has now joined my lipstick family Mac Costa Chic, and Chatterbox. Costa Chic is a frost coral colour & Chatterbox is a amplified pink. They are both bright shades

left is Costa Chic and right is Chatterbox

...and that is all! Thanks for viewinggg

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Valentines Day 2011

I hope everyone had a lovely Valentines day! Mine was very sweet and somewhat typical, but nonetheless very nice. I think everyday should be Valentines day. I want to share with you guys how it went....

Valentines Day did not start off too well for me. It was on a Monday and i had an assignment due Wednesday. Prior to that i had midterms, hence why the assignment was not yet finished. I gave my boyfriend a heads up that i would be at school all day Monday (Valentines Day) to finish my assignment, and asked him if it was okay to postpone "OUR valentines" day to the following day - being Tuesday.

So, i spent the whole day in the library with my friend working on our assignment. I didn't get home that day until 7 pm. After almost 10 hours of being at school working one that assignment, i was very bummed out by the end of the day. BUT i headed out shortly afterwards to buy a Valentines Card & a box of chocolate for my boyfriend. I really wanted to make one, because it would be so much more meaningful, but there was absolutely no time left for me to do that. So I ended up buying one and writing in it.

During that time, i was not at home for about 20 minutes. Shortly after i've came home, and walked into my room, i found this lovely thing sitting on my desk waiting for me

A fact : my bf has never gotten red roses....

Can you guys see the shape of how the roses are arranged?

I finally realized that he ordered it a week in advanced, and he gave the florist specific instructions to make arrange the flowers in a heart shape. Cheesyyyy! but that's okay because it's Valentines DAY!

this is the card that came with the flowers....

I was really surprised! I thought that my boyfriend didn't care to get flowers, and i thought that he was going to get it done last minute - but he totally surprised me this time around.

I absolutely love receiving flowers. I know a lot of girls's just flowers, you can't eat it, you can't do anything with it - all you can do it wait until it dies. I guess i'm the opposite. Every time i receive flowers, i get butterflies. When my boyfriend gives me flowers, i guess it reminds me of the time when we first dated. When everything you experience was so new and amazing - not that it's not amazing now, but yeah you know what i mean.

Anyways, back to the story. My flowers were delivered by the flower shop. It happened to work out at the perfect time, because it was sent to my house when I left for a bit to get the card and chocolate. The funny thing is, my dad opened the door and received the flowers for me. LOL. I wonder how he felt receiving roses! LOL

So all of this actually took place ON Valentines day. Our actually date happened

the following day..............

The following day, again- i had class. Tuesday happen to be the longest day for me. I have 5 hours of straight lecture! Intenseeee! I finish class at 2.30, and he has booked RSVP for dinner at 6:00. We decided to go to a fine dinning resturant called: Micheals by the Thames. It was our first time there, but my brother has told us that the food there is pretty goodd - so we thought we try it out.

- YES there is still snow!

I don't have many photos....because i felt very awkward taking pictures there...These pictures were taken without flash

While we were waiting for our food: here's is yours truly! Despite the fact that i did TWO valentines day LOOK for my blog, i didn't have the time to do either for the actual day! School ruins everythingg...

some bread and butter to munch on while we wait..

We both has steakk!! yummi.. I love steak...My boyfriend tried the Filet Migeon - He think this is the best steak, because we had at it at wedding 2 years ago, and it was seriously amazing. Sadly this one is not the same, but still good!

I tried the Butcher's Block? I think that's what it's called. Strange name, but it was deliciouss. Can you believe my piece of bigger, yet his was more expensive? What a trade off. LOL

For dessert we had Strawberry ---something, i can't remember. There was a gentlemen that brought over this cart and started to make it infront of us. It was pretty amazing, when i got to see blue flames.

The final product was delicious. There's pieces of cake, strawberries with strawberry icecream, whip cream, some alcohol & their sweet sauce. I only wish there was a bit more icecream.

& that was my Valentines day! It's been 3 day already, and my roses are still gorgeous. I will hair spray it and keep it when it starts to die. i haven't done this before, but i'd like to try it! heard you need to hang them upside down first.

Thanks for reading <3

Saturday, February 12, 2011

SEXY Valentines Day Look 2011

Yesterday, i did a Natural Valentine Day look. Today, I really felt inspired to do a sexy, smokey valentines day look. I think this one was much harder to pull off, because my face is far from looking anything like sexy. But i took up the challenge.

The colours were suppose to be a reddish copper, brown, and black...with a bright magenta, but the shadows kept oxidizing on me. This is the best i can do in capturing the colours. I still have to say that it not very representative of the real look

But i hope you would enjoy this anywas

Some of the products used in this look

Eyes Nyx Rust, Mac Handwritten, Mac Carbon, Mac Fuchsia Pigment

Lips Mac blooming Lovely with Mac Pretty Please

Cheeks Nars Deep Throat

this look is very bold. I literally packed on 10 pounds of eyeshadow. There is a lot of layering involve. I kind of did it in a rush, so you can tell that my blending is a little..EHHH in the pictures. This look is definitely for those of you who like bold dark colours. Red looks very intimidating but it's not that bad, if you keep it within your lid-space.

here is the full look.

It was very hard photographing this look. I don't know why. Maybe because the colours didn't stay true. I'm a little disappointed with that. It would have helped if it didn't get dark so early here.

But anyways, I think this would be my last look for a while. I just felt the URGE to do th is look. LOL. I hope this has inspired you!! & once again, have a wonderful, & sweet Valentines Day.

Loves and Kisses to you all

Friday, February 11, 2011

Natural Valentines Day Look! 2011

Today i felt like doing a look since valentines is just around the corner. The emphasis of this look is on natural, beautiful glowing skin. I think that for a day like valentines day, you want to look pretty and "glowing". When you are in love, you look & feel happy, healthy, blessed, and this is all reflected in your complexion. Having that "glowing" face just makes you look like your in love. hahaha. Does that make any sense? ANYWAYSS....

So here's my look:

It's quite simple. I sticked to using pretty lashes, blushes, and pink lipstick. I decides not to do major eyeshadow blending, because i've already done a Valentines look with pink and purple eyeshadow last year. So i thought i should do something a little more simple - something everyone else can also do.

Some of the Products Used:
Mac Pinch of Peach Blush
Mac Mineralizer in Smooth Verge

Makeup Forever HD in shade 115

Ardell - Luckies
Mac Way to Love lipstick - MY ABSOLUTE FAV (limited edition)
Mac Bare study Paint Pot - on eyes

oh and btw:

romantic curls is absolutely crucial. lol :D :D

washroom without flash:---------------------------------------------bedroom with flash

Have a WONDERFUL St.Valentines Day

If you're interested in the eyeshadow look i did for valentines last year. click here

thanks for dropping by.

P.S. I'l be doing a "How to achieve Glowy Skin" post sometime at the end of this month, hope you guys would like it!

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